I achieved my 2nd short term goal - to run a 5K race! The 1st was to run continuously for 30 minutes and I did that last Dec. 2009. It took a while to achieve this one because of my injury which prevented me from training in January and early Feb. But all that matters now is that I was able to do this. I'm not really sure about the time but it's probably between 45 to 50 minutes. My initial plan was to just run it as easy as one of my training runs but maybe because of the energy of the race and the crowd, I ran it a lot harder. I was spent at the end of the race. My heart monitor read only 17 seconds in Zone 1! Only 2 minutes in Zone 2! 5 minutes in Zone 3 and a whopping 38 minutes in Zone 4. Definitely a recipe for injuries and/or over-fatigue. I guess I'll just do races at most once a month or else I'll risk injury or over-fatigue. Aside from finishing, what's great is that I didn't re-injure my plantar fascia and even if I was really spent at the finish, I w...
Follow me as Just Another Runner attempts to run from 0 to The Marathon and beyond